December 1st

Wow, horrible end to my November. I was up almost 9K at one point, then went on a disgusting downswing and lost a lot. I did play a lot of hands, but I failed to reach my goals for the month.

I did however final table the sunday UB 200k gtd., first place was 45K, but I ended up going out in 7th place. I had pocket 8's and lost to A7o, what a dissapointment. I probably could have won at least 5K more than I actually did if I won that hand. I still took down $6500 for my 7th place, but it was a very dissapointing cash.

While I did still make good money this month, it was nowhere near what it should have been. If I plan on doing this for my soul source of income, this is just unacceptable. On to the results...

+ $4,350.73

Cash play
24,030 hands
+ $2,247.50

+ $6,598.23

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