October 15th

Having a bad month so far. I really want to post a winning month after my big win, I think its critical to my success. A big problem is not getting in enough hands of cash. And also, I feel I should still be learning more and trying to improve my game.

On the 7th (sunday) I took 15th in the UB 200K guaranteed, which was really dissapointing. I had a top 5 stack for most of the tourney, riding it all the way to the final 3 tables. I then lost a coinflip which would have given me the chip l ead, however it was a hand that DID NOT cripple me. So I still had plenty of chips as the final 2 tables came up. I think I got a little impatient and missplayed a hand which busted me. It was a good learning experience, but it just shows me that I am still fairly inexperienced when it comes to closing out on tournaments.

I was doing well in cash games, but then I had one HORRIBLE day where I lost 5 buy-ins, which basically whiped out all my profit for the month. I have been running insanely bad on full tilt. It is getting to be a joke. My won $ at showdown for that day was about 32%, which is reallllllllly bad.

Im going to try and set a goal to play 1K hands a day untill I go out of town this weekend. So that should be about 5K hands, not too crazy, but should still be challenging only playing only 4-6 tables.

I'll leave you with a hand that I just played today, to show how horrrible I run.

Full Tilt Poker, $1/$2 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players

BB: $119.65
UTG: $213
MP: $259.10
Hero (CO): $688
BTN: $123.80
SB: $117.40

Pre-Flop: Qc Jc dealt to Hero (CO)
UTG folds, MP raises to $6, Hero calls $6, BTN folds, SB calls $5, BB calls $4

Flop: ($24) 8c Ts 9s (4 Players)
SB checks, BB checks, MP bets $22, Hero raises to $82, SB folds, BB raises to $113.65 and is All-In, MP raises to $253.10 and is All-In, Hero calls $171.10

Turn: ($643.85) 8d (3 Players - 1 is All-In)

River: ($643.85) 6h (3 Players - 1 is All-In)

Results: $643.85 Pot ($3 Rake)
BB showed 8h 8s (four of a kind, Eights) and WON $361.95 (+$242.30 NET)
MP showed Th Tc (a full house, Tens full of Eights) and WON $278.90 (+$19.80 NET)
Hero showed Qc Jc (a straight, Queen high) and LOST (-$259.10 NET)

Pokerstars World Blogger Championship

Not sure why it is not posting correctly, but will go ahead and put it up anyway.

Texas Holdem Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!

This Online Poker Tournament is a No Limit Texas Holdem event exclusive to Bloggers.

Registration code: 7420611

October 1st

I think I forgot to mention in that I got a new laptop this month. Its a Dell Vostro 1500, and it kinda rocks. Its really nice playing poker in diffecent locations insted of always at my desk.

I had a solid winrate for the cashgames, but nowhere NEAR enough hands. I should be playing that many hands on a weekly basis. I didn't make any final tables in my MTT's, and only made the final 2 tables once. I think the results are kinda skewed this month because I bought in directly to the $2,600 wcoop M.E., and did not cash in it. However it was still a losing month for me overall, which really should just not happen. I should have put in a lot more hands at cash games, and probably should not have played the M.E.. However the WCOOP is only once a year, and there was a 1.3 million first prize in it, so I find it acceptable.

Anyways, here are my end of month stats for September.

8,240 hands of NL cash, mostly $1/$2 NL
+ $2,746

37 MTT's.
- $3,872

- $1,126

September 30th

So it was kinda a lazy month for me. I didn't play that many hands of cash, but I did play quite a few tournaments. Today was the $2600 WCOOP main event, which I played, as well as all the other major sunday tourneys on the net. If not for the WCOOP M.E., which I did not cash in, It probably would have been a decent day for me, as I cashed in a bunch of the tourneys.

I did not however have any major scores, although I came close in a few. I busted like 60th in the UB 200K, took like 54th in the sunday mulligan on FTP when my AT could not beat KT. The donk called a huge push with KTo, and rivered a 3 outer on me. I also bubbled out of the $500 2nd chance on Pokerstars when some guy limped KK from EP, I checked 85o from the BB. Blinds were really big at this point. Flop came down 8 5 x, giving me 2 pair, I CR the limper with half my stack, and he still pushes. River is a king of course, making my 2 pair no gooooood.

In other news the eye surgery went well, very awkward surgery, not painfull though very disorientating. 2 weeks later, and my eyes are itching a lot, and sometimes its a little hazzy and uncomfortable, but it dosen't seem to be anything major. The dr. said it can take up to 6 months to fully heal and see perfectly.

September 20th

So far i've been preddy lazy this month with my play overall. I don't think I have played that many hands of cash games, but I have played quite a bit of tournaments. The WCOOP is going on over at pokerstars this month, but I really haven't been playing that many of the events. Each event (at least all the NLHE ones) are taking about 20+ hours to complete. While the structure of the tournaments is great, there is really no solid breaks during these tournaments. So sitting in front of my monitor for 20+ hours is just not all that appealing to me. I really think they should make a lot of the bigger events 2 day ones. 20 hours is just way too long of a time.

In other news, I am getting LASIK surgery on my eyes this weekend. I have been wanting to do this for a long time, and I can now finally afford to do so. Im kinda scard about having lasers on my eyes, but I think the risk will be worth the reward in the end.