October 1st

I think I forgot to mention in that I got a new laptop this month. Its a Dell Vostro 1500, and it kinda rocks. Its really nice playing poker in diffecent locations insted of always at my desk.

I had a solid winrate for the cashgames, but nowhere NEAR enough hands. I should be playing that many hands on a weekly basis. I didn't make any final tables in my MTT's, and only made the final 2 tables once. I think the results are kinda skewed this month because I bought in directly to the $2,600 wcoop M.E., and did not cash in it. However it was still a losing month for me overall, which really should just not happen. I should have put in a lot more hands at cash games, and probably should not have played the M.E.. However the WCOOP is only once a year, and there was a 1.3 million first prize in it, so I find it acceptable.

Anyways, here are my end of month stats for September.

8,240 hands of NL cash, mostly $1/$2 NL
+ $2,746

37 MTT's.
- $3,872

- $1,126

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