December goals

My online Poker goals for this month will not be high. I am going to be busy for about a week going on a trip to Michigan with some friends. And then I am going on a family vacation during christmas time. There is also big live tourney coming up which I will be playing in. This will probably take a few days trying to qualify for as well. It is the Heartland Poker Tour Championship event which is being held at the Majestic Star II casino in Gary, IN. About an hour from chicago.

So my real goals for this month will be 20K hands and win $10,000. I really don't think this will be too hard as long as I can aviod a big downswing.

What I would like to do is make the TV final table of the HPT event. And also win a frekin sunday major. UB is hosting some tournament series this month as well, I would like to win one of those events. I will also be trying to get some coaching this month to help me with my 6max game. Hopefully it will go well.

December 1st

Wow, horrible end to my November. I was up almost 9K at one point, then went on a disgusting downswing and lost a lot. I did play a lot of hands, but I failed to reach my goals for the month.

I did however final table the sunday UB 200k gtd., first place was 45K, but I ended up going out in 7th place. I had pocket 8's and lost to A7o, what a dissapointment. I probably could have won at least 5K more than I actually did if I won that hand. I still took down $6500 for my 7th place, but it was a very dissapointing cash.

While I did still make good money this month, it was nowhere near what it should have been. If I plan on doing this for my soul source of income, this is just unacceptable. On to the results...

+ $4,350.73

Cash play
24,030 hands
+ $2,247.50

+ $6,598.23

November 1st

So I had a good month at the cash tables, mostly playing $200NL and some $400. I hope this will really help me get in the grinding mindset. It was good to play a lot of hands and really get familiar with playing mostly cash games again. It will really help me prepare for November where I will be mostly grinding cash games. I did not however have a good month in tournaments.. I had that 15th place finish in the UB 200K, where I definitely should have final tabled it. I also dropped about $2500 playing live tournaments. There was a big $1500 tournament and a smaller $600 one over at the MJII, which I did not cash in.

My goals for November are to play 20K hands of $400NL and take a few shots at $600NL, all while makeing $15K. I would also like to win a big sunday tournament.

October results
played ~13,500 hands of $1/$2 NL
played ~4,500 hands of $2/$4 NL
and an insignificant number of hands at various other levels.

20,939 hands
+ $5,794.95

MTT play

I did not include my live MTT's here, so this is only my total online play for October


October 15th

Having a bad month so far. I really want to post a winning month after my big win, I think its critical to my success. A big problem is not getting in enough hands of cash. And also, I feel I should still be learning more and trying to improve my game.

On the 7th (sunday) I took 15th in the UB 200K guaranteed, which was really dissapointing. I had a top 5 stack for most of the tourney, riding it all the way to the final 3 tables. I then lost a coinflip which would have given me the chip l ead, however it was a hand that DID NOT cripple me. So I still had plenty of chips as the final 2 tables came up. I think I got a little impatient and missplayed a hand which busted me. It was a good learning experience, but it just shows me that I am still fairly inexperienced when it comes to closing out on tournaments.

I was doing well in cash games, but then I had one HORRIBLE day where I lost 5 buy-ins, which basically whiped out all my profit for the month. I have been running insanely bad on full tilt. It is getting to be a joke. My won $ at showdown for that day was about 32%, which is reallllllllly bad.

Im going to try and set a goal to play 1K hands a day untill I go out of town this weekend. So that should be about 5K hands, not too crazy, but should still be challenging only playing only 4-6 tables.

I'll leave you with a hand that I just played today, to show how horrrible I run.

Full Tilt Poker, $1/$2 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 6 Players

BB: $119.65
UTG: $213
MP: $259.10
Hero (CO): $688
BTN: $123.80
SB: $117.40

Pre-Flop: Qc Jc dealt to Hero (CO)
UTG folds, MP raises to $6, Hero calls $6, BTN folds, SB calls $5, BB calls $4

Flop: ($24) 8c Ts 9s (4 Players)
SB checks, BB checks, MP bets $22, Hero raises to $82, SB folds, BB raises to $113.65 and is All-In, MP raises to $253.10 and is All-In, Hero calls $171.10

Turn: ($643.85) 8d (3 Players - 1 is All-In)

River: ($643.85) 6h (3 Players - 1 is All-In)

Results: $643.85 Pot ($3 Rake)
BB showed 8h 8s (four of a kind, Eights) and WON $361.95 (+$242.30 NET)
MP showed Th Tc (a full house, Tens full of Eights) and WON $278.90 (+$19.80 NET)
Hero showed Qc Jc (a straight, Queen high) and LOST (-$259.10 NET)

Pokerstars World Blogger Championship

Not sure why it is not posting correctly, but will go ahead and put it up anyway.

Texas Holdem Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!

This Online Poker Tournament is a No Limit Texas Holdem event exclusive to Bloggers.

Registration code: 7420611

October 1st

I think I forgot to mention in that I got a new laptop this month. Its a Dell Vostro 1500, and it kinda rocks. Its really nice playing poker in diffecent locations insted of always at my desk.

I had a solid winrate for the cashgames, but nowhere NEAR enough hands. I should be playing that many hands on a weekly basis. I didn't make any final tables in my MTT's, and only made the final 2 tables once. I think the results are kinda skewed this month because I bought in directly to the $2,600 wcoop M.E., and did not cash in it. However it was still a losing month for me overall, which really should just not happen. I should have put in a lot more hands at cash games, and probably should not have played the M.E.. However the WCOOP is only once a year, and there was a 1.3 million first prize in it, so I find it acceptable.

Anyways, here are my end of month stats for September.

8,240 hands of NL cash, mostly $1/$2 NL
+ $2,746

37 MTT's.
- $3,872

- $1,126

September 30th

So it was kinda a lazy month for me. I didn't play that many hands of cash, but I did play quite a few tournaments. Today was the $2600 WCOOP main event, which I played, as well as all the other major sunday tourneys on the net. If not for the WCOOP M.E., which I did not cash in, It probably would have been a decent day for me, as I cashed in a bunch of the tourneys.

I did not however have any major scores, although I came close in a few. I busted like 60th in the UB 200K, took like 54th in the sunday mulligan on FTP when my AT could not beat KT. The donk called a huge push with KTo, and rivered a 3 outer on me. I also bubbled out of the $500 2nd chance on Pokerstars when some guy limped KK from EP, I checked 85o from the BB. Blinds were really big at this point. Flop came down 8 5 x, giving me 2 pair, I CR the limper with half my stack, and he still pushes. River is a king of course, making my 2 pair no gooooood.

In other news the eye surgery went well, very awkward surgery, not painfull though very disorientating. 2 weeks later, and my eyes are itching a lot, and sometimes its a little hazzy and uncomfortable, but it dosen't seem to be anything major. The dr. said it can take up to 6 months to fully heal and see perfectly.

September 20th

So far i've been preddy lazy this month with my play overall. I don't think I have played that many hands of cash games, but I have played quite a bit of tournaments. The WCOOP is going on over at pokerstars this month, but I really haven't been playing that many of the events. Each event (at least all the NLHE ones) are taking about 20+ hours to complete. While the structure of the tournaments is great, there is really no solid breaks during these tournaments. So sitting in front of my monitor for 20+ hours is just not all that appealing to me. I really think they should make a lot of the bigger events 2 day ones. 20 hours is just way too long of a time.

In other news, I am getting LASIK surgery on my eyes this weekend. I have been wanting to do this for a long time, and I can now finally afford to do so. Im kinda scard about having lasers on my eyes, but I think the risk will be worth the reward in the end.

September 1st

So augest was my best poker month ever, thanks to one single MTT win. How sad... Other than the big win, It was a rather medicore month. I played a lot of hands of $100NL and really did not win all that much.

Poker goals for this coming month are to play a lot of hands at $200 NL. And I would also like to qualify for some bigger live tournaments such as the Aruba poker classic. I will also be playing more online MTT's.

So far with my winnings I really have not done much. I bought some new cloths, and Im eying a nice jetski. However I don't know yet if I will actually buy it. I am also getting a new laptop, although I really don't need one. I will probably give it to my mom and let her use it the majority of the time.

augest stats:

29,665 hands


Augest 20th

I have not really been updating much because my play for the month has been really stagnant. I started off really hot winning about $1600 at $100NL cash games, but it went all downhill from there. I dropped about $500 back and another $500 at the new $50NL Heads Up cash tables. I have been struggling ever since playing mostly break even poker. However that all changed last night, when I had my biggest MTT score ever.

I really have not played many MTT's all month, however it was Sunday and the FTOPS M.E. was today. So I decided to try and satellite in, which I did for about $100. I then decided I should be playing a few more MTT's since I had to play this one. I bought into the 200K guaranteed Stars 2nd chance tournament soon after. I played really well and made it all the way to heads up with a 2.5:1 chip lead. The guy was reallllllly tight, and I probably could have beaten him heads up but I decided that I was willing to chop considering there was more than a 20K difference between 1st and 2nd place. I won just a little more than $46,000 for my efforts. By far my largest score ever.

I would write a report but I don't think there was really any interesting hands, mostly just me playing standard TAG and running good. I was delt a lot of premium hands, and most of them held up. I preddy much dominated the final table bubble chipping up to about 1.6million, double that of the next closest person. I got lucky in maybe one spot at the final table where my Q6ss beat AT, but I got unlucky in a lot of other spots. Anyways im really psyched about this as I feel it will be a springboard for more big cashes down the road. I am now rolled for basically anything I could want to play. I will probably continue to play $100NL and move up to $200NL really soon. I also think I will be playing a lot more MTT's in the future.

Its a really weird feeling winning this, I know its a lot of money, but it just hasen't sunk in yet. Its weird how one small almost insiginificant decision lead me to this. I almost didn't even play any MTT's today, as I was going to go out to the lake. However it was raining, and all the guests cancelled, so I didn't go. Then later in the day, I was thinking to myself that I just did not feel like playing today. Then I said if I sat into the FTOPS ME I would play a few more MTT's for the day. While I was playing the satellite I was thinking to my self that this is going to be really long and boring day. I should just try to bust out and go to sleep. I was thinking to myself that I would probably just take the $535 in cash (what the seat was worth) if I could, but Full Tilt does not allow you to do that. They make you play if you satellite in. So I said f it, and bought into the stars 2nd chance for $215 as well. And now the rest is history. Funny how such small decisions and feelings can lead up to a bigger and greater outcome. Anyways, I just wanted to document some of the random thoughts that were flying around in my head. I'll leave with a picture of the lobby from my win.

Augest 5th

So after about 5 days of playing mostly NL cash games.... I am up almost $1300 playing $.50/$1 NL cash games. I have played about 8k hands, and have been 8 tabling for about an hour or 2 a day. This is really insane for me, I have almost made in one week what it took me all of last month to make. Granted, I think I am running a little hot, but I am also playing well.

I did not play any MTT's except for a few today. I won like $200 qualifying into the sunday million, but did not play it. I insted decided to play a few smaller MTT's but ended up donking out of them because I could not stay focused.

I have a $500 bonus from full tilt that I think I will try to clear before the end of the month as well. All my play has been on PokerStars so far and im kind of afraid to switch sites. I have calculated how much I have missed out on rakeback for my play on pokerstars, and it comes out to about $600. However I think the games are just so soft there that it makes up for it. Also, if I remember correctly Full Tilt games are much more difficult.

Dunno how much I will be playing this week, as I will be going out to the lake for a few days. I would however like to make this a 5K month strictly from cash games. If I really want to do this, I will have to up my sessions from 1 a day, to at least 2 a day and really grind out the hands. We'll see how it goes.

Augest 1st

Long overdue update. I have really busy since my last post. I went to vegas for 4 days with some friends, which was a lot of fun. The original goal of this blog was to make 1k for this trip, which I did. So the trip was basically "free."

I got to play a whole lot of poker there, mostly 1/2 NL live which was interesting. I basically broke even gambling wise for the trip. Only having to pay my expenses. If not for some sick coolers I took one of the days over at Ceasers Palace I would have been up about $600 or so. One hand some guy slowplayed turned quads to my bigger rivered full house which cost me a buy-in or so. I also unfortunatly did not get to play any tournaments over there. There were some nice deep stack ones over at the Venetian and Ceaseres, but I decided I would rather not be tied down having to play for 8+hours at a time (which was a mistake). I would really like to get back out there and play some tournaments. Overall the trip was a whole lot of fun with my friends and we had a blast drinking and partying.

This last weekend the Heartland Poker Tour came out to Gary, IN which is only about an hour away from my house. I played one $400+40 Satellite and qualified for the $2000+400 main event. I then played a $100 STT and lost, so I spent about $500 getting into the main event. Out of about 410 people, I took 23rd place. Which was good for almost $5,000. First place was about $250,000. So although I made a lot for myself, I have been fairly dissapointed and depressed. There were a few hands that I think I may have misplaed towards the end, which cost me some valuable chips. One was when I had 99 and had to fold to a CRAI on an A22 flop. Another was when I cbet my missed KJo and had to fold again to a CRAI. And finally a semi questionable call for most of my stack with AJo. Im preddy sure this was the right call, but it still makes me mad. I would write up a tourney report, but its just not all that intresting. I will probably be in some pictures and may make the T.V. cut very breifly. Check out for more info.

Now on to my end of month results.

329 SNG's
+ $1,242

7429 NL cash hands
+ $368

- $105

+ $1,505

July 18th

So tomorrow I leave for my trip. I reached my goal of $1000 and even made a little more. Hopefully I will actually make money out in vegas and not lose any. I will probably do a nice trip report after I get back on sunday. As of now, I will not be playing any more online until I get back so I will give a final stats update as of right now.

15 SNG's

842 hands of NL cash

Monthly Totals :
(click to enlarge)



+ $1,167

July 17th

I had a interview in the morning, and went out after. So I didnt get to start my session till late at night. It seems kinda bad, but actually I played more after midnight and won a lot back. So today will seem like one of the worst days, but actually tomorrow will then end up like the best day.

So the trip is almost here and I have basically reached my goal. Hopefully I can get an extra about ~$500 or so before I leave.

19 SNG's

July 16th

Played mostly $100 NL cash games today. I think I did fairly well, I only misplayed 2 hands, but they were costly hands. I lost a $325 pot with QQ vs AA, when I probably should have been able to get away from it. And I also misplayed KK in a $200 pot when I should have 4 bet preflop and I let some guy in cheaply who hit a set on me. Ah well, I still ended the session well.

1251 hands NL cash

July 15th

So its Sunday and I did not play at all today. Insted I decided to go fishing. It's good to take a day off from poker like that after playing almost every day. I sometimes get a little burnt out even though I don't really spend more than 5 hours a day playing. It does get a little boring though, and in order keep the proper mindset you really need to not only want to play, but also enjoy playing the game. Anyways, was a good week, and although I really did not put in many hours I will still probably meet my goal by tomorrow night.

Totals up to now:

214 SNG's

3,875 hands of NL cash


+ $941

July 14th

Played some NL cash games today. I 6 tabled the $50NL tables and did well. I thought I played well, had a few big hands cracked and a few fish who kept getting the best of me. I was up about $175 at the peak for the day but finished the day up about $130.

I think I am really close to my goal of $1000, so im not sure if I am going to play any MTT's tomorrow. I may go out with family/friends insted. I am registered for the $10 100K 15000 player MTT crapshoot on poker stars, but may unregister for it. Last week first place was about 18K and the final table play was just awful. Not bad for a $10 entry, however you do have to wade through 15,000 (!!!) other people to win it, which unless you run super super good, it is going to be really hard to win. Im not sure yet, we will see.

952 hands NL cash

July 13th

Today is friday the 13th, good thing im not superstitious. I did not play much online today because I went to the casino to play some live poker. I played a MTT and some live SNGs there (results not included here). I got a little bored there, as playing 1 SNG that takes 1 hour to finish seeing 30 hands total is just silly. Allthough the play was just increadly awful and the SNGs were SUPER soft. I decided to head out to a friends house insted of grind it out there.

18 SNG's

July 12th

Did not play any SNG's today. Insted I played a whole lot of full ring $25 NL cash today. I thought I would do it to see how it would be playing full ring to prepare for the 1/2 NL games out in vegas. I ended up getting stuck like a buyin and wanted to at least get even so I opened up 12 tables and grinded back up. The games were super soft, but it was a complete waste of time. I guess it might have helped me prepare a little for vegas, but probably not much since I was 12 tabling. Anyways it helped me get a little better feel for full ring and will hopefully end up helping me out in vegas.

1,981 hands of NL

July 11th

Few days late posting this, not really sure how I played, but seemd to do well.

21 SNG's

851 hands of $100 NL

July 10th

Ran pretty sick bad today, as usual. Could not get aces to hold up ONE TIME!! Anyways I will be moving up from the $27's to the $60's very soon. I will at least be taking some shots at that limit. If the play at the 27's is indicitive of the play at the 60's I will be KILLING them. I would also like to jump into .5/1 NL cash games very soon. Will probably try out the cash games tomorrow.

21 SNG's

July 9th

So only played a few SNG's today, but had solid results. Was gonna play a few more but got distracted doing some cleaning and what not.

7 SNG's

Week 1

These are the overall results for the first week of play in July. It was a really solid week, I did not really even play all that much. SNG's went well, I just need to like double my number played for this next week. As for MTT's, I feel a big score is just around the bend, so hopefully I can hit that within my alloted time. I have about 1 and 1/2 weeks left to reach my goal, if I keep on pace from this last week, I should hit this goal with no problems.

91 hands cash

148 SNG's



July 8th

Only played MTT's today, I did not play any of the big sundays, but a bunch of smaller MTT's, as they usually have a lot of players on sunday. Played quite a few sats into the Sunday million, won like 2 seats. I had a big stack in the 10r, like top 20 after the first break. Did some silly stuff and deviated from my normal strategy of playing really tight; made some bad plays on really bad players who could not fold.

I feel a big MTT score comeing soon though, as I also took some vicious beats in a few of the other MTT's I played. In one of them, some guy raises 3x the BB w/ TT, some other guy flat calls, I push allin with KK, and then the Big blind OVER PUSHES (with QQ), and the original raiser STILL CALLS with his obviously beat tens. Naturally one of the 2 tens flops and he the worst hand wins for a bunch of chips. The feild is sooooooo weak in these things its sick. I can't wait till my kings hold up ONE TIME.

11 MTT's

July 7th

So finally I had a really good day. I ran really hot today, and what I mean when I say that is my aces(AA) actually held up against nines(99) this time. I got in ahead a lot and my cards actually held up.

28 SNG's

July 6

Did not play much today, most of the games were from the nigt before; I played 4 SNGs before I went out which I went 0-4 in, so that was not good.

19 SNG's

July 5th

In SNG's I think I ran fairly standard, I just did not pick up any good hands. And as usual in MTT's I ran horrible. In the 10r I won a couple of key coin flips once we got in the money, and then when I get in wayyyyyyy ahead, KK vs AK the guy turns an ace to cripple my stack. If I won this, I would have had a top 10 stack and probably would have gotten really deep.

(hand from the 10r)
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t3000 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: HTML)
saw flopsaw showdown
UTG (t36166)
UTG+1 (t145534)
MP1 (t69421)
MP2 (t19334)
MP3 (t70967)
CO (t41647)
Button (t47086)
SB (t15403)
BB (t95037)
Preflop: Hero is BB with Kc, Kd.
4 folds, MP3 raises to t15000, 3 folds, BB raises to t94737, MP3 calls t55667 (All-In).
Flop: (t167504) 5d, 7s, Jc (2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: (t167504) Ad (2 players, 1 all-in)
River: (t167504) Qs (2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: t167504
Main Pot: t143434 (t143434), between MP3 and Hero. won by MP3 (t143434).
Pot 2: t24070 (t24070), returned to Hero.

Hero has Kc Kd (one pair, kings).
MP3 has As Ks (one pair, aces).
Outcome: MP3 wins t143434.
Hero wins t24070.

Results for the 5th
38 SNGs
4 MTT's
35 hands of 1/2 NL cash


July 4th

Was able to play 23 SNG's today, and 3 MTT's. At this pace, I will never make it to my goal of $1,000 by the 19th. In the next few days im really going to have to step up my games played. I think I may switch to cash games for a while to check out my win rate there.

23 SNG's
3 MTT's


July 3rd

Didn't play at all yesterday, so in this post I will be giving the results for the 8 SNG's I played after midnight the night before. We'll see if I get any games in on the 4th.
8 SNG's played

July 2nd

So I ran disgustingly bad today, with 2 stretches of 7 SNG's in a row where I did not cash. However things started to turn around in the final set of SNG's that I played. I cashed in the last 4 SNG's I played, which were all 1st places, so that really helped. Overall for this session I played 40 SNG's and finished down about $90, however I will be reporting the stats for the actual "day" (I played 8 SNG's after midnight.)
I also played the $10+rebuys 55K Guaranteed tonight. My 99 lost to JQs a few hunderd spots out of the money.
32 SNG's

July 2nd Total

First Post

The purpose of this blog will be to track my poker results for the month of July. My goal will be to make an extra $1,000 for a trip that I will be taking at the end of the month to Las Vegas with some friends.

The trip is set for 7/19 so I will need to get to grinding if I want to reach my goal.

I will be playing mostly SNG's and cash games, with some low limit MTT's mixed in. I will be reporting my results here